Sorted out or linked publications from 2019 and older

Here you will find publications from 2019 and older. The publications are sorted by subject. If you are interested in a publication that is not linked here, you are welcome to request it from our registry clerk.

EU free trade agreements and other trade agreements

  • Who Uses the EU’s Free Trade Agreements? A transaction-level analysis of the EU–South Korea free trade agreement (2018)
  • The EU’s and the US’s Preferential Arrangements – a Comparison (2012)

Brexit and the EU-UK trade agreement

  • After Brexit: Recommendations for Swedish priorities in upcoming negotiations – a summary (2018)
  • The UK policy paper on the future relationship with the EU: An analysis of the proposals (2018)
  • Brexit and financial services: Summary (2018)
  • Brexit - options for a future regulatory frameworkfor trade in services and customs and trade procedures between the EU and the UK (2017)

CETA – the EU free trade agreement with Canada

  • “The Right to Regulate” in the Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada – and its implications for the Agreement with the USA (2015) 

TTIP – negotiations EU–USA about a free trade agreement

Sustainability goals

Environment and climate goals

Social goals

  • Gender impacts of international trade and trade policy – a case study of the FTA between Korea and the EU (2011)

Sweden´s foreign trade


  • Europe Fettered: The impact of crisis-era trade distortions on exports from the European Union(2017)
  • Open Trade or Protectionism? Developments in trade policy since 1995 (2009)


  • Trade Regulation in a 3D Printed World – a Primer (2016)

Global value chains

  • Trade is Essential for Jobs - a Value Chain Perspective for Sweden (2015)
  • Global Value Chains and Trade Negotiations (2015)
  • Global Value Chains and Developing Countries - An Introduction (2013)
  • Minecraft Brick by Brick – a Case Study of a Global Services Value Chain (2013)
  • Global Value Chains and Services – an Introduction (2013)

Trade Defence Instruments

  • Preventing Global Value Chains in Renewable Energy – The Use of Non-Preferential Rules of Origin as an Indirect Trade Policy Instrument in the EU (2015)
  • Eliminating Anti-Dumping Measures in Regional Trade Agreements – the European Union Example (2013)
  • Effects on Trade and Competition of Abolishing Anti-Dumping Measures - The European Union Experience (2013)
  • Do EU Producers and the EU Economy Really Benefit from Anti-Dumping Policy? (2012)
  • Global Value Chains in EU Anti-Dumping Practice – the Economic Impact of Anti-Dumping Duties on Intermediate Goods and the “Union Interest Test” (2012)
  • Anti-Dumping or Unjustified Protection? – the EU Anti-Dumping Duties on Ceramic Tiles (2012)
  • Dumping or Competition? – the EU Anti-Dumping Duties on Ceramic Tiles (2012)
  • Paving the Way for Unfair Competition – the Imposition of EU Anti-Dumping Duties on Ceramic Tiles from China (2012)
  • Adding Value to the European Economy – How Anti-Dumping can Damage the Supply Chains of Globalised European Companies. Five Case Studies from the Shoe Industry (2012)

EU internal market – free movement


Free movement of persons

  • Trade Costs of Visas and Work Permits – a Trade Facilitation Perspective on Movement of Persons (2015)
  • How Cross-Border Movement of Persons Facilitates Trade (2015)
  • Making Trade Happen – Business Perspectives on Cross-Border movement of persons (2013)



  • Everybody is in Services – The Impact of Servicification in Manufacturing on Trade and Trade Policy (2012)
  • At your service – The Importance of Services for Manufacturing Companies and Possible Trade Policy Implications (2010)
  • Servicification of Swedish Manufacturing (2010)
  • Just Add Services – a case study on servicification and the agri-food sector (2013)
  • Handling Services Trade Policy – the Swedish Experience (2012)


  • Economic Implications of the Doha Round (2006)
  • How Can the Doha Negotiations Promote Development? (2005)
  • Consequences of the WTO Agreements for Developing Countries (2004)

Bilateral Investment

  • Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) – how they work (2013)

Animal and plant health measures (SPS)

  • New Trade Facilitation obligations in the SPS area (2017)
  • Case story: Direct imports of Ethiopian roses to Sweden (2017)
  • Sweden’s Work with SPS-related Export Barriers – A guide for Swedish Embassies on exports of processed food and agricultural products (2012)

Rules of origin

Intellectual Property Rights

  • The WTO decision on compulsory licensing (2008)

Trade facilitation

  • Mutual Recognition of AEO Programmes. Supply Chain Security and Trade Facilitation – Progress Report Fall 2010
  • Trade Facilitation – a Developing Country Issue (2003)
  • Trade Facilitation - Impact and Potential Gains (2002)

The Cloud

  • How Borderless is the Cloud? An introduction to cloud computing (2012)

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