Many firms use the free trade agreement with the UK after Brexit

Swedish firms that imported from the UK made use of 84 per cent of the potential value of available duty savings. The importers also increased their use of the free trade agreement from 77 percent in January to 89 percent in June, a new report from National Board of Trade Swede concludes.

- In actual terms, importers benefit from duty savings amounting to SEK 483 million by using the free trade agreement. However, the importers have had duty costs of SEK 88 million when not using the free trade agreement. We have also noted that an average of 6,600 importers use the free trade agreement each month.

Does this mean that Brexit did not turn out as bad as expected?

- No, we cannot comment on that. Since customs data for imports from the United Kingdom to Sweden did not exist before 1 January 2021, it is not known whether the number of importers increased or decreased after Brexit. Nor is this our report's ambition to investigate. The report focuses on how Swedish importers, and conversely UK exporters, used the new free trade agreement when products were imported from the UK to Sweden after brexit.

Download the report: A Post-Brexit Analysis: Firm and Consumer Use of the EU-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement

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Jonas Kasteng
073 42 44 845

Nils Norell
073 42 44 951