Influence on trading conditions

Here you get an overview on how you can influence on trading conditions through the National Board of Trade Sweden. We prepare the basis for negotiations proceeding a trade agreement. We also analyse how existing rules affect trade. In doing this, we need input from companies and civil society.

Share your experiences

When Sweden has bilateral meetings with other countries, trade issues are often on the agenda. In connection to these meetings, the National Board of Trade often has the task of providing the government with information on how companies' trade with the country works and whether there are special barriers to trade in relation to the country.

Moreover, in the negotiations proceeding a new free trade agreement between the EU and another party, the National Board of Trade has the task from the Swedish government to investigate Swedish interests. This includes inviting companies, organisations and civil society to submit comments on trade with the country in question.

Ongoing surveys

Stay tuned to changes in product legislation

Keep track of proposals for new product rules (technical regulations) within the EU and influence by submitting your views to the National Board of Trade Sweden or directly to the EU Commission.

Influence on product rules (technical regulations)