Mediation in case of dispute over electronic road tolls in Sweden

If a toll service provider (EETS provider) wants to offer its services in Sweden, an agreement must be made with the Swedish toll charger. If the parties disagree on the contractual terms on electronic tolls, they may appoint the National Board of Trade as mediator.

The Swedish government agency, the National Board of Trade, is appointed as a conciliation body in disputes between a toll charger and an EETS provider that negotiates or has signed an agreement for access to a toll area. This means that if the toll charger and the EETS provider do not agree on the terms of the agreement, after or during the negotiation, one or both parties may appoint the National Board of Trade as a mediator.

An EU cross-border road toll system

The European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) aims at enabling a road user to have an EETS provider take care of the payment of all tolls within the EU. A road user who has a contract with an EETS provider only needs to install one device in his vehicle instead of one per toll area.

In Sweden, so far, only the Öresund and Svinesunds bridges are covered by the system, but from October 2021, payment of fees in Stockholm and Gothenburg, as well as on the bridges in Motala and Sundsvall, will also be covered.

Request for mediation

A request for mediation must contain the following:

  • Full contact details of the party and any representative, including name, address, email and telephone number;
  • The agreement on which the dispute is based; and
  • A summary of the dispute.

Contact us about mediation

Please attach full contact details, a summary of the dispute and the agreement on which the dispute is based.

Registry clerk

Phone: +46 8 690 48 00

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