Without a personal identity number in Sweden
If you live in Sweden without a Swedish personal identity number you may encounter problems in your everyday life. A personal identity number is often required by authorities and used by many private entities. On this page we have gathered information and suggested solutions to some of the difficulties that might occur.
If you are moving to Sweden for one year or more, you should normally be registered in the Swedish Population Register (administrated by the Swedish Tax Agency, Skatteverket), and thereby receive a Swedish personal identity number. It is however possible to have the right to reside in Sweden, without a personal identity number.
The coordination number is an identifier for individuals who are not or who have not been registered with the Swedish Populations Register. The coordination number can be used as a mean of identification when communicating with various government authorities.
Find out more at the Swedish Tax Agency website (Skatteverket)
Learn Swedish
As an EU citizen with a residence permit but without a personal identity number, you are eligible for the programme Swedish for Immigrants, SFI. This right is expressed in the Swedish Education Act (Skollagen [2010:800] 13 § chapter 22 and 2 § chapter 29.) For enrolment in the programme, please contact your municipality.
Attend school
All children residing in Sweden are entitled to full-time education. When in contact with your municipality, if necessary, you can refer to the Swedish Education Act, which states that not only a child who has a personal identity number is entitled to education. A child who resides in Sweden is entitled to education in accordance with the EU law on free movement of persons, (Skollagen [2010:800] 2 and 3 §§ chapter 7 and 2 § point 3 of chapter 29).
Seek employment
You do not need a personal identity number in order to seek employment in Sweden. You can register on the Swedish Public Employment Service website(Arbetsförmedlingen) and through them look for job opportunities. The Employment Service can assist in providing you with a coordination number from the Swedish Tax Agency.
Find out more at the Swedish Public Employment Service website (Arbetsförmedlingen)
Social insurance
When living in Sweden you are normally covered by the Swedish social insurance system and entitled to various kinds of benefits, either work-based or residence-based benefits. If you move to Sweden without being registered and without a personal identity number, you can submit information to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) in order for them to assess whether you should be insured in Sweden. Find out more about social insurance in Europe at Your Europe and at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency website (Försäkringskassan).
Medical care
If you need emergency medical treatment when staying in Sweden temporarily, and do not have a personal identity number, you should use your national European Health Insurance Card. Your home country is then responsible for paying for the treatment received in Sweden. Health cover for temporary stays (Your Europe).
All persons residing in Sweden, who according to EU rules have the right to maternity care and medical care in the event of sickness, shall be offered good health care in the region where he or she resides, according to the Health Care Act, (Hälso- och sjukvårdslagen [2017:30], 2 § chapter 8).
Payment account and payment services
Swedish banks are obliged to allow a person, legally residing in the EU, to open a payment account. Exceptions are allowed with reference to measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism, or if there are other special circumstances, according to the Payment Services Act (chapter 4a § 1 Betaltjänstlagen, 2010:751). This right should apply even if you do not have a personal identity number. In order to use banking services digitally and to sign up for BankID, a personal identity is however compulsory.
Register a car
If you do not have a personal identity number when you apply for a change of ownership of a car, or for a verification of origin, the Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) can provide you with a coordination number through the Tax Agency. In order for them to do so, you will need to provide a copy of your passport or national ID-card. Find out more at the Swedish Transport Agency website (Transportstyrelsen).
Are you still encountering problems? Contact SOLVIT!
If the suggestions above do not resolve your problem, or if you have a similar problem with a Swedish agency, government authority or municipality, you are always welcome to report your problem to SOLVIT. Please visit the SOLVIT website and answer the questions in order to find out if SOLVIT can help you with your problem.