Trade policy and internal market analyses by the National Board of Trade, Sweden, are listed here. You are welcome to download them free of charge. If you are looking for a specific topic, use Search at the top of this page, then filter on Publications.
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Circular Economy Product Labels
Published: 2023
Products on the European market are subject to multiple labelling requirements relating to the circular economy. Companies that want to sell their products in Europe must adapt to these requirements, in both national regulations and EU law. In this study, the National Board of Trade maps out these requirements and...
The E-Commerce Negotiations in the WTO: Understanding non-participation
Published: 2023
Several WTO members are negotiating the first true comprehensive legal framework for e-commerce. However, very few African countries are involved. This report examines why and suggests actions to convince more countries to participate. Emma Sävenborg, the author of the report, explains.
Do Provisions in Free Trade Agreements Diversify Trade?
Published: 2023
Do free trade agreements (FTAs) lead to more diversified trade? It depends on which partner you look at and how ambitious the agreement is. This PM is a first step in understanding whether free trade agreements lead to more diversified world trade.
Government subsidies in manufacturing sectors
Published: 2023
For a constructive debate on subsidies, reliable and internationally comparable information regarding what and how much each party spends on government subsidies is crucial. This report documents the most important data sources available and highlights key differences between sources as well as advantages and...
The importance of imports for productivity and exports
Published: 2023
Despite the close link between imports and exports, most of the analysis and policy discussions have traditionally focused on how to strengthen exports, without further consideration of the potential for imports. Against this background, this paper aims to highlight the link between imports, productivity and exports.
Productivity Effects of Foreign Acquisitions in Sweden: A sectoral analysis
Published: 2023
Companies that are bought up by foreign owners increase their productivity. The greatest increase in productivity is seen in very small companies in the service sector. This is shown by an economic analysis carried out by Kommerskollegium before Sweden introduces a mechanism to review foreign direct investments.
The WTO Appellate Body Crisis
Published: 2023
The WTO Appellate Body has not been functioning since the end of 2019. The WTO Members have, however, agreed to have a fully and well-functioning dispute settlement system that is accessible to all WTO Members by 2024. An informal process is now underway to restart operations.
The Swedish market for processed food
Published: 2023
In 2021, the Swedish food market was worth USD 32.3 billion. Because of its northern location, Sweden’s growing season is relatively short. The country relies on imports of foods. This market study aims at helping food exporters to get acquainted with the Swedish market.
The Swedish market for food ingredients
Published: 2023
In this study, you will get to know the Swedish market for food ingredients, such as turmeric, groundnuts, carrageenan, and guar gum.
The Role of Trade in the Green Transition
Published: 2023
Trade policy can play a key role in facilitating the green transition. However, trade barriers on environmental goods make the green transition more expensive than necessary. In an attempt to address these barriers, several countries include specific environmental goods provisions in their regional trade agreements.
Innovation, AI, Technical Regulation and Trade
Published: 2023
In this report, the National Board of Trade Sweden highlights the challenges that digital innovation creates for technical regulation. The report questions whether artificial intelligence and cyber vulnerabilities are changing the way industrial goods, such as some smartphones, medical devices, and vehicles with...
The New Gains from Trade
Published: 2023
This brief introduces the latest generation of trade research. The purpose is to help policymakers formulate an evidence-based trade policy for the future.
Trade rules for a circular economy
Published: 2023
Being able to buy and sell used and recycled batteries is vital to the green transition. Batteries are needed for vehicles and for solar parks. In this report, we have examined the challenges posed by regulations on the export and import of used batteries, which are often classified as waste.
How can SOLVIT further enhance compliance with EU law
Published: 2022
The SOLVIT network has been given new tasks, regulated by existing or new binding legal acts from the EU. The network has also been linked more closely to the EU Commission's compliance work. There is a need to further develop SOLVIT and in this report we discuss how SOLVIT's legal basis could be changed.
The Swedish market for green coffee beans
Published: 2022
Producers and exporters of green coffee beans, interested in the Swedish market, will find important information on the size and characteristics of the market. Swedish buyers share their knowledge on market trends and buyer requirements.
Guide to Effective Online Business Communication
Published: 2022
With digital business communication, you can now promote your products and interact with international buyers at a lower cost and on a larger scale than ever before. This guide helps companies perform their online business communication in an efficient way.
Green Services in the Single Market
Published: 2022
Trade in services is key in achieving the green transition. This report shows the role of services, and how they can contribute, with focus on the EU. However, there are barriers to trade in these services, barriers that the EU and the Member States should try to eliminate.
Perspectives on the Economic Effects of FDI and Investment Screening
Published: 2022
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a key driver of economic growth and welfare. This analysis discusses how security and economic concerns should be balanced when deciding on a foreign direct investment screening mechanism.
An All-Star Approach to Regulatory Cooperation in the Area of Technical Barriers to Trade
Published: 2022
In this report by the National Board of Trade Sweden, we identify best practices for international regulatory cooperation to address technical barriers to trade (TBTs) and highlight how they can promote sustainability objectives. Linda Bodén, one of the authors of the report, tells more.
Lessons from the pandemic – Designing a Single Market crisis management mechanism
Published: 2022
Despite being heavily tested during the COVID pandemic, the Single Market proved to be resilient. But even more can be done to strengthen the Single Market in times of crisis.