National Board of Trade’s processing of personal data

What is personal data?

Personal data is any information that can be related to you as an individual, such as your name, address or email address.

Why do we collect personal data?

All of the National Board of Trade’s processing of personal data takes place by virtue of the applicable laws, regulations or administrative provisions. The agency has to process personal data in order to handle its cases, work on assignments and disseminate information.

When do we collect personal data?

The National Board of Trade Sweden collects personal data related to you when…

  • You register for education, a conference or any other event arranged by the agency;
  • You apply for a job using Visma Recruit;
  • You order a publication;
  • You register for a newsletter or subscribe to any other kind of information;
  • You take part in the National Board of Trade’s films or audio recordings; and
  • You or somebody else submits information (via documents, emails forms, etc.), containing your personal data, that is registered and become public documents.

How long do we save the personal data?

As a government agency, the National Board of Trade archives and keeps all official documents, regardless of whether they contain personal data or not. Documents that are not official, but do contain personal data, are held only for as long as it is necessary for the purpose.

Personal data submitted when subscribing to news from the web site or to newsletters is only kept for as long as your subscription period. When you unsubscribe, the personal data related to you will be erased from the subscription list. The grounds for this processing is consent, and you can withdraw your consent at any time.

Disclosure of personal data

Disclosure of personal data to other parties may be made during the National Board of Trade’s processing and decision-making, in so far as the data is not protected by secrecy under the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.

In certain circumstances, personal data may be transferred to authorities and organisations within or outside the EU.

Personal data included in public documents will be removed if possible, according to the provisions in the The Archives Act (1990:782). Other data will be removed when it is no longer needed for its purpose.

The National Board of Trade Sweden does not sell any of its collected personal data.

Am I required to submit my personal data to the National Board of Trade?

You are never obliged to submit your personal data. However, in certain cases, the National Board of Trade has to use your personal data in order to be able to handle cases or offer its services.

Your rights

You have the right to access…

  • Your personal data;
  • The purpose of our processing;
  • Potential recipients of the data;
  • When the data will be erased; and
  • Where the data was collected.

You have the right to request rectification of personal data related to you.

You do not have the right to access personal data protected by secrecy to you.

Under certain circumstances, you have the right to have your personal data erased. At such a request, the National Board of Trade undertakes an assessment to see whether there are grounds to remove the data.

You have the right to object to our processing of personal data related to you.

If you consider the data incorrect or unlawfully processed, you have the right to request that the processing of personal data related to you be restricted for a period, enabling the National Board of Trade to verify its accuracy.

The National Board of Trade does not process personal data for automated individual decision-making, including profiling.

If you think that the National Board of Trade is handling personal data incorrectly, please contact us, or file a complaint with The Swedish Data Protection Authority (Datainspektionen).

Contact information

Would you like to contact us regarding our processing of personal data, or do you have questions for our Data Protection Officer (DPO)?

Registry clerk

Phone: +46 8 690 48 00

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