Cloud services boost export opportunities for Swedish companies


Import & export

About trade

Published: 05 Sep 2024

Swedish companies using cloud services tend to be more internationally focused, with smaller firms benefiting the most in terms of exports. The need to reduce trade barriers, particularly between the EU and the US, is also highlighted in a new report.

In a new report, the National Board of Trade Sweden examines the impact of cloud services on the export activities of Swedish companies.

The study reveals that companies using cloud services tend to have a stronger international presence, with more extensive exports and a greater number of export markets. 

– Our findings show that cloud services play a crucial role in helping companies become more productive and internationalised. This is particularly true for smaller businesses, which can scale and innovate more efficiently with access to these technologies, says the one of the report’s authors, Hannes Berggren.

The report also highlights the importance of reducing trade friction, particularly between the EU and the USA, to ensure continued access to cloud services, which are essential for maintaining competitiveness.

Read the full interview and download the report
Cloud Services and Export Performance: Evidence and Implications for EU Policy